"No pearls before swine"
Golden jubilee is 49 years plus one year, golden jubilee of
golden jubilee years is 2500 years or as written in Book of Daniel and
confirmed in the last testament of the YAHSHUA MASHIYACH of ELOHIYM. Every
Jubilee year of golden jubilee of golden jubilee is a double year minimum one
year of Christ’s last week of years plus one free jubilee year
Time equals +1,000
Times equals +1,000
Half time + 500 years
Equals = 2500
Abraham, Moses, Christ, Mohammad, all had one thing in common.
They destroyed idols
Administrators from the three dozen sites: Remember the collect
ability rules. $50 a word providing no one attacks, stops, destroys or blocks
any messages. As I explained if someone deletes, insults, rejects any message
from the Hidden Book they are blocked from authorization lose all right to
redeem any messages at all.
All messages they have are informational only. Soon the Christ
will prove every word I wrote everyone will claim they believed in the Hidden
Book just like the Jews will say they never killed the Christ it was the
I expect you all to keep tract of those who insult, reject, or
delete message illegally from any site. Those people who have access are
limited by code in all areas (which is recorded by MSN) supply the tracking of
all messages since they will have to pay for blocking the messages prior to
Bill Gates restoring all sites.
Anyone who illegally deleted messages will pay $50 per word
times the number of people who would have an opportunity to collect. In short
they will lose their homes which they could have paid for with messages kept
sent to them at $50 per word (which as explained will be the Basis for Money
when Christ returns) since all the Land Masses of
North America,
South America,
Given to me as fee simple
estate direct from God (as Abraham received the Middle East) making all other
property ownership Moot and Illegal.
Only those persons with enough message value will be able to
redeem their property and other people's property when Christ returns with
administrators collecting a 15% administration fee on all redeemed and
authorized words from the messages of the Hidden Book.
Understand that any illegal copies made and published by any
person without the permission of Enoch will be dealt with by Christ and not
some phony lawyer in a business suit this hidden Book of Revelations is
restricted any one reading it unauthorized will be subject to the hatred and
fury of the Demons which they foolishly.
1.) Refused to believe are real
2) Foolishly had contempt for
3) These Demons will seek your death to keep you silent.
4) Only those who have need to know have permission until
general book is published
5) Government leaders, mass media owners, publishers, LDS
Apostles and twenty four elders, ministers of the Scriptural Church and family,
friends and relatives notified by Enoch of his vision after April 4, 2002.
6) This book carries the same Curse of other Bible Books where
only the scripture writer and Christ have permission to change anything in it
under penalty of Death.
This book is a match to a corrupt world of paper machete made
with gasoline instead of water. Why will it come into being spiritually simple
because the demons existed and ruled secretly with collusion of religious
Christ has given 144,000 men power to strike them dead as they
reveal themselves begging, demanding, or crying for what they want on TV. These
men don't need courts they don't even need each other. Each is a king of all he
surveys. Christ warned anyone who listens that this is exactly what would
happen in revelations. These men have divine authority many may not know it.
Their spirit is right with God what they say will come to pass. And all these
men are living now.
Why is Christ so stern now after so much absentee guidance?
Christ has always been stern the word of God was twisted into a revenue device
at the peril of foolish souls. Judgment was delayed not forgotten.
Christ always had real men of God paying their own way, doing
his spiritual work not expecting not receiving any credit. These fools who
thought they fell into a Gold mine in the minister business were understood by
the world as exactly what they were con men.
Now Christ is showing those robbed with tender hearts towards Christ
and their brothers have less to believe in now when our Nation needs it most.
Once Christ feeds his children with the truth they will hunger
for justice.
First the corporate church then the government. There is no
place for these fools to hide either the false ministers or the government
leaders ruled by the same class of demon.
True scriptural men of God will go through some suffering
directly proportional to how much they ignored the leading of Christ in setting
up their Church.
Nothing compared to those completely ruled by (Corporate) (Church)built
on Guilt and Tax deductions.
RESTRICTED-DOCUMENT- the Rules of collect ability are simple,
"No pearls before swine"
Only those people who take the time and effort to make the Last
chapter collectable will collect when Christ returns and proves it true.
Return of the {last week
of golden jubilee years} Lord (Adoni) Jesus (Joshua) Christ (Kristos) started
April 4, 2002
Golden jubilee is 49 years plus one year, golden jubilee of
golden jubilee years is 2500 years or as written in Book of Daniel and
confirmed in the last testament of the YAHSHUA MASHIYACH of ELOHIYM. Every
Jubilee year of golden jubilee of golden jubilee is a double year minimum one
year of Christ’s last week of years plus one free jubilee year
Time equals +1,000
Times equals +1,000
Half time +
500 Years
Equals =
2500 years
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